Today our Question for KOS ( Keeping ourselves safe):
Can you think of a time where you would be responsible for the safety of others? Some of the ideas were:
- Babysitting
- Preforming surgery
- Driving
- Cooking
- Road Patrol
Those where some of my Ideas, Our task was set by our teacher Mrs O, she said to read this comic it is called the night at the disco.
This Comic Is about two friends at a party they are both having a really good time. Then two girls come into the picture and talk to one of them. You can see that the girl that is left out is sad because the other kids are ironing her. The next image, it shows an image of the girls face our class had a conversation about how we think the girl looks like she has a problem with her eyes. Mrs O said from what she new it is called a lazy eye that is why the other kids are ignoring her. The next image shows the girls pulling her away but the girl is looking back at her friend with a hesitant face. The Next space is blank and we were to draw what we thought you would do it you were the girl getting pulled away. What would you do? Here is mine
As you can see I have coloured mine in and drawn in the box.
My Intention was to be a good friend and stay back with the girl, My teacher did point out to us what the consequences would be to your action. I think the consequences for mine would be both girls getting bullied. But I would only focus on being her friend and making sure she wasn't being hurt as well as I'm sure she would do the same for me.
Have you done a comic like this?
Anyway, have a good day!
Bye Bloggers!!