On Monday 12 of August, and the girl's basketball (Isabella, Zara, Francheska, Ruby, Chanel, Olivia Leka, and Shelby make sure to go and check out their blogs too) team went to pioneer stadium to play basketball in the Canterbury tournament.
I was so happy we were placed 9 overall and 4 in our pool. I felt very proud of all the team for getting there in the first place although I felt I did very well. Next time I would take more time when shooting, If I were to do this again I would make sure to try and incorporate more bounce passing. I think I used all the 5R's here is why:
Respect, I said good game well-done, etc, etc. to the opponent players when we finished the game
Reciprocity, I worked well with my team
Resilience, I never gave up
Resourcefulness, I was always ready on time and where I was meant to be
Here is the photo of the team,